Service to Others
Beta Sigma Phi sisters through their chapters, and through their local and regional councils, extend their hands of friendship and service beyond the sorority to their communities. The International Office provides significant financial support to many charities in the United States, Canada and beyond through endowments which are voted upon by all chapters world-wide. Endowments have included financial assistance for the restoration of the Statue of Liberty, thousands of dollars in donations to Dana Farber Cancer Research and many other research funds, charities and disaster assistance fundraisers.
Georgia Theta Pi Chapter (Marietta) is proud to have sponsored for many years an International endowment project with the support of the Metro Atlanta Council and Georgia chapters across the state. Every 36 months, Theta Pi’s Service Chair submits a portfolio to the International Office seeking continued support for the Children’s Tumor Foundation. This organization seeks to fund research and provide information and support for families as scientists continue to seek a cure for Neurofibromatosis. “NF” as it is called typically strikes in childhood, causing external and internal tumors throughout the body, which can cause impairment and even be life-threatening. To date, $65,000 has been contributed by the International Office, and Theta Pi sisters contribute more than $1,000 annually through the sale of Georgia pecans (frequently purchased by sorority sisters from other chapters and councils, including in other states). Other chapters in the Metro Atlanta Council have provided furniture and supplies to needy families, packed food for distribution to the hungry, “walked” in fundraisers for many charities including breast cancer’s “Race for the Cure”, the NF “Shine a Light Walk”, and many more. Other area charities supported include The Ronald McDonald House, Loving Arms Cancer Outreach, organizations fighting sex trafficking, and much more.
Beta Sigma Phis do endeavor to shed the light of their torch throughout the world!
Two of Beta Sigma Phi International’s Many Endowments
Photo above left: Metro Atlanta Council’s President and granddaughter (a Legacy) lead off the walk.
Photo above right: Some Theta Pi members and their families pose at the event. Immediately below are a few additional photos from the event. All pictured are Sisters, Legacies, Envoys or Envoy 2’s.
Theta Pi’s “Tea Party” fundraiser for Loving Arms Cancer Outreach included guests from other chapters and from the community.
Iota Iota (Blairsville)
Xi Alpha Epsilon (Atlanta) is shown participating in the Winship 5K Run/Walk.
The run/walk is a family-friendly event held on the Emory University campus and benefitting cancer research at Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University. In 2024, the annual event raised more than $1,000,000. To date, the event has raised over $10 million in support of cancer research at Winship Cancer Institute.
Every step brings us closer to advances in treatments that are helping patients with cancer live longer, healthier lives!
Foodstock an annual meal packaging event with Rise Against Hunger, has been an important part of Dunwoody UMC's outreach for the past decade. Volunteers help to pack food and life-changing aid to the world's most vulnerable. Xi Alpha Epsilon sisters are shown volunteering for this important service to others…
Xi Alpha Epsilon
(Above left) Theta Pi Service Chair and her “NF Hero” granddaughter (a BSP Legacy) pose at the walk.
Our “NF Hero” was diagnosed at age three. (Above right) Wearing her “Born a Fighter” t-shirt, our Legacy poses in front of Atlanta’s “King & Queen” buildings which are lit in the green & blue NF colors for national recognition month.
Iota Iota Chapter (Blairsville) has many “hands on” service projects each year including providing “birthday parties” each month for residents of a local assisted living facility. The chapter also provides holiday fun for residents…
The photos above show residents enjoying birthday celebrations (many in birthday tiaras. Council vice-president Jeanee McJilton is pictured with residents in the photo at far left (back row, far right). At left, Iota Iota chapter members decorate the Christmas tree at the facility.
Delta Zeta (Lawrenceville) & Theta Pi (Marietta) Teamed Up to Help a Family in Need with furniture and household items. (Even Envoys got Involved!)
A Sample of Metro Atlanta Council Chapter Service Projects
Theta Pi (Marietta)
Theta Pi sisters participate annually in the NF “Shine a Light” Walk…